Business Services
Message from the Business Department
Greetings from the Business Department at Fairfax School District! Our top goal is to establish a solid financial foundation for our district, empowering us to address the needs of our students and provide our staff with attractive salaries and benefits. This approach plays a crucial role in attracting and retaining exceptional employees.
In Fairfax, we're not just managing the present but dynamically preparing for the future. We're securing the necessary financial resources to grow, support, and enhance our facilities, technology, nutrition, and operational security across the district. Excitingly, Fairfax School District has been on a progressive journey, improving facilities for our students, families, and staff in recent years. The thrill continues as we've recently acquired land for a future elementary site, and we're gearing up for a transformational modernization of Virginia Avenue Elementary - all significant achievements for our community.
Fiscal transparency and accountability are at the core of Fairfax School District's commitment. Through continuous budget monitoring, we ensure responsible management of revenues and expenditures. We encourage stakeholders to engage in the annual budget process presented in June actively. We regularly provide budget updates to the Board of Trustees, keeping everyone informed. At the fiscal year-end, we present the Unaudited Actuals to the public and the Board of Trustees in August, offering a clear financial reconciliation of the year past. With each report presented to the Board, we warmly invite public comments and contributions.
Our heartfelt appreciation goes to our business partners and community stakeholders. We remain devoted to providing superior service to our community, and together, we're building a brighter future for Fairfax School District. Your partnership makes a difference; we couldn't do it without you!
FY 2024-25 Budget Cycle
FY 2023-24 Budget Cycle
FY 2022-23 Budget Cycle
Education Protection Account
Bond information can be found on our BONDS page.
The ERATE RFP can be viewed by selecting the link below:
Economic Impact Aid (EIA)
Expenditures and carry-over amounts for EIA for 2012-2013.
Zephyr Lane Elementary As Builts
The As-Builts for Zephyr Lane Elementary is below:
ZLE As Built